Is your Preschooler ahead or Behind?
Find out what your child’s strengths and weaknesses are – so you can intervene early where it is necessary. Come, and we will test your child. Our Assessment is free and there is no charge
You’ll gain the confidence of knowing what your child should be able to do at their current level and which unit of skill is next in their development.
Why do we test?
1: Is your child gifted? Most gifted children show signs before they begin school. Some children merely appear to be gifted. A truly gifted child shows interest and progress with very little parental encouragement or coaching. Remember too that a gifted child can also have learning disabilities. Unfortunately, the disability is usually recognized while the smartness is not. It is important to identify gifted children as early as possible so they can be guided and encouraged to develop themselves to their fullest.
2: Is your child forging ahead? Is your child at the level where he or she needs to be?. Is her development appropriate for her age?.
3: Is your child falling behind? Does your child need improvement and in what areas?. We all know early intervention is crucial whenever there is a problem. For example, if your child’s language skills are behind, then you should spend more time talking and reading together.
4. How well are we doing as a school? Is our curriculum working, is our teacher’s teaching, and are our children learning?. As a parent, you need to know and as educators, we need to know also. If our curriculum is not serving us well, we need to change or supplement it with other materials. If our teachers are not up to par, then they need to go for more training or we hire more helpers.
Why do we test?
- physical development
- Intellectual development
- Social Development
- Language skills
When and Where?
Testing will be carried out at our facility in March and April. We will re-test the children again in June to monitor their progress.
Who do we Test?
Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers We provide an assessment report at the end of the Test and discuss with Parents on what the next steps should be.